Spiritual Healing With Hapé
What is Hapé?
Hapé (pronounced “ha-peh” or “rapay”) is sacred shamanic snuff medicine. It is a mixture of tobacco and powdered medicinal herbs used by Amazonian Shaman and Medicine men. This snuff is considered to have spiritual healing properties. It is known as snuff because it is administered through blowing the mixture up the nose of the person receiving the medicine. The receiver of Hapé will usually have a very fast and usually very intense reaction. This is due to the act of the powdered snuff being administered directly through the nose in a puffing action by a shaman or experienced practitioner of Hapé medicine. The medicine passes the nasal membrane and enters the blood stream
This practice is known to be an ancient ritual dating to pre-Columbian eras. It is considered to be a sacred rite among indigenous Brazilian tribes of South America. It is still used today for many special occasions in the Amazon. It's used for rites of passage and celebration as well as religious
We can have this medicine available to you for a special ceremony upon special request.
Please contact us to schedule this. Rate differ from month to month depending on price and availability of the Hapé.