Jacinda Carpentier
Board Member
Jacinda Carpentier is a compassionate, spiritually oriented healer who embraces all faiths and beliefs. Her healing journey has been self-driven most of her life. In which, she has studied many techniques during her own healing journey that have helped individuals during theirs.
She excels in using energy and an open heart to help individuals to understand where they are in their journey, what to expect, how to overcome obstacles, reduce anxieties and enhance overall well-being.
Her intuitive skills were noticed within, and by others at an early age. She picked up her first book about Psychology at the age of 12 years old. Being raised in a household of dysfunction, irregulating and projecting, she knew she was the chosen one to not only understand but to help her family heal for generations to come as well as those that have passed. Jacinda knew at an early age she was going to be the one to break generational curses. Jacinda studied Psychology through Middle School and High School and was part of the Student Body Mediator group during those years. This gave her an opportunity to dive deeper into the world of Psychology before she attended college. She now holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and continues her self-guided education.
She was first introduced to Plant Medicine in 2014 where she explored essential oils. She quickly discovered their profound impact on the mind, body, and soul. That then took her to many other avenues in life to take care of her vessel and impact the world around her. From eating all organic foods to meditation and beyond. Her intuitive skills developed and took her to the Tarot. She has been studying Tarot - and with her background in trauma, psychology, plant medicine, and her own natural born talents. She reads energy and helps people in the right direction on their own healing journeys with the utmost love. She honors her ability to draw spirits, captivating their essence with honor during her interactions with people. Her presence provides comfort to those grieving, offering validations and messages from the beyond as she connects with peoples’ higher selves and identifies their challenges and guides them towards more peaceful fulfilling outcomes. She promotes self-reflection and offers insight on overcoming personal obstacles.