Who is Mother Ayahuasca?
Ayahuasca is a plant based medicine of the Ancient peoples of South America. She is called Mother Ayahuasca by all who use her medicine. She is a plant and an experience. When you sit under Mother Ayahuasca in ceremony you can go through and one of a thousand different healing journeys. Yours will never be like another person’s. Ayahuasca is a plant medicine that is considered sacred to many cultures. You will experience a Spirit plant who lifts and serves all of humanity. In your ceremony you can walk with Spirit Guides or commune with past loved ones. You may come to know the oneness of all things. Your experience will be guided by wherever you have set your intention. It’s important to have a calm mind and heart as you move into relationship with Mother Ayahuasca. Before you come into communion you should review your diet and your spiritual time. Clean up anything that doesn’t serve to nourish you physically and mentally. Removing impurities of body and mind will allow the Spirit of Mother Ayahuasca to work with your soul to heal you where your most need healing.
Remember, plants live and breathe. They have Spirit and Energy. Mother Ayahuasca’s calling to us as humans is to assist us in rising above the ego and place us squarely in our heart-space.