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Ceremony of the Divine Feminine

February 10th-13th or August 11th -13th 


Join us for a Women Only Ceremony! 
This will be a special ceremony where the power of our
Divine Feminine will connect with Mother Aya!
You won't want to miss it!
Space is limited so book your experience early! 
First Fill out our intake forms then
Click the links below to book your retreat. 


Too many women report not having close female friends, and lack a Sisterhood. All too easily feminine power gets corrupted and main effect of that occurrence is jealousy, competition, self-sacrifice, anger turned inwards and a disjointed fellowship with our own sexuality. Western Society very much reinforces these dynamics, but healing has to start with you. The first step to affecting change in the world just do our own in a work. While it’s possible to separate ann individual from their environment, to extract a woman from the paternalistic society she’s grown up in, the focus is going to be very much on you and your own process, and not on society as a whole.


 Your facilitators will be helping you to increase the depth of the work you are able to do, and maximize the healing that is possible for you. As we process our experiences in ceremonies, we will focus as much as possible on female and feminine-specific issues and ideas, paving the way for you to go back into your life and your powerful and connected way.


 This ceremony is perfect for you if:

  •  You are longing for greater connection with yourself and other women.

  •  The thought of joining a women's retreat brings up a certain amount of fear in you.

  •  You are committed to your own healing and making a difference in the world.

  •  You want your ceremony to be supported by a high level of processing and integration support.

  •  You want to learn from  and work with highly trusted and respected female Maestra ( Mama Bear).


 In this ceremony we will:

  •  Explore what happens is a group of women committed to our own healing Gathering.

  •  Experience the Divine Connection in power of feminine energy.

  •  Face the fears that we have around female Friendship and Sisterhood.

  •  Learn ways to stay connected to feminine power in our day-to-day lives.


 You will leave this ceremony:

  •  With a new community of close female friends.

  • Empowered to access your own feminine energy to help you move forward in your life .

  • A new understanding of the ways that you suppress or sacrifice yourself.

  • Tools to support yourself and other women. 

  •  And finally, you will be inspired to approach your life in new and Powerful ways. 

There's something special that happens when a group of women get together. But this Retreat will be working exclusively with a female Medicine Woman (Mama Bear) in order to create a magical a family healing container. This very special ceremony is for self-identified women only. Holding a retreat specifically for women brings an added Focus to guiding principles of honoring the divine feminine and it aims to support the embodiment and empowerment of feminine energy in our members and on the planet.


More importantly, very few women, especially early on in their healing Journeys, are fully comfortable with their own femininity; fully connected to their own feminine power and fully supported by a community of strong women. The only way to truly heal and recreate these parts of ourselves is to face them, and what better way to do that than by creating an environment of exclusively women in which do this healing work.

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